For long pole forming, machine will be as long as the pole;
Tandem hydraulic press brake means 2 or more machines linked together;
The press brakes shall be synchronized :
Hydraulic system will give enough press force;
Air bending for Octagonal pole;
Full press for conic pole form;
Various tooling for different shape and thickness pole;
Multi-press brake shall work together during bending;
Steel plate forming same time;
Polygonal pole bending is by V die and punch ;
Conic need male -female tool.
Steel Light Pole Tandem Hydraulic Press Brake
it is suitable for one piece type polygonal and circle taper light pole. it is automatic welding line, the trolley with inverter speed adjustable motor can pull the light pole from small end to big end, The hydraulic cylinder through mechanical chain, worm wheel push the clamping wheel to close the pole and do welding at same time.
Light Pole Forming
Tandem hydraulic press brake is the Key forming machine;
Total machine length and tooling length shall be as long as pole height;
Press brake capacity shall be bigger enough and cost effective;
Machine throat depth, open height will limit max pole diameter.
Engineer can optimize bending process to make bigger range;
Octagonal (polygonal) pole bending can be like process of aside ;
Conic steel light pole bending will need special tooling;
There are 8 edges steel pole. It is very popular street lighting pole in the word. Normally we bend 7 edges on tandem hydraulic press brake. the last edge will be welding seam. Pole material will be mild steel mostly.
Conic Steel Light Pole
Cross section is round. It is most popular street lighting pole in china and the word. the pole shall be formed with conic male/female tooling. Pole material will be mild steel mostly. Conic pole has better lower wind resistance.
Polygonal Steel Pole
For high mast pole or steel power transmission poles. It means for bigger diameter pole. the pole can be sectional. total pole height can be 30m. pole diameter can be 2000mm. the plate thickness will also bigger, need bigger capacity tandem hydraulic press brake.
ART Steel Pole
Mostly it is for garden street lighting. Pole height, including lamp, will be not much high. with soft lights, it can Create an elegant environment. the pole can be in twist, others like bamboo shape. some pole’s down section is casted steel.
Normal materials can be used for steel poles. Mild steel is most common. while if with structure steel, pole size can be smaller or stronger with same size.
Similar Material : Gr.50 (AST), SPFC590 (JIS), S355 (DIN), E355 (ISO 630) Yield strength(σs) : ~ 345Mpa Tensile strength (σb): 450~630Mpa Elongation (δ5/%):≥17%
For polygonal steel poles (octagonal), bending force calculation is steel plate air bending. we can estimate in following form. while for conic pole, it is complete press bending. force will be higher. There is no exact calculation formula.